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Infernoflowfusion dragon doom
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Stupid Halo fans!
     As You might have guessed by the fact that I have a section titled games, I am very big on video games.  Whether it's console, portable, pc, browser based, or can be played online only.  I can't seem to get enough.  However, there have been games that I've played that are downright terrible, and there are some that are simply decent games, but for some strange reason have a fan base as big as the Walton's pocketbook. HALO!...Sorry did I say something?
     I also have a few things against some companies that make consoles and/or games that I question their methods or ethics, but usually only when I feel I have good reason.  I'm looking at you Sony, Microsoft, and EA.  I am however a pretty big fan of Nintendo.
     I'd like to talk about EA for a moment.  You may be thinking, "Oh but EA has some great games, surely even you like some of them!".  Yes and no.  There are some great games that have come out under EA's publishing, you might want to know that they were not made by EA, they only funded the publishing of the game and oversaw how long they wanted the smaller company to take on the game.  Black & White 1 & 2, published under EA, made by Lionhead Studios.  American Mcgee's Alice, published under EA, not made by them.
A Spore Creature being made       A recent release published by EA called SPORE which had grand potential got cut down in its prime. The creator who had several other key ideas that would have totally made the game great were scrapped by EA in favor of releasing it sooner.  Of course the game still had several intriguing ideas and so got 9s and 10s from game critics everywhere.  As soon as it came out and people started buying it though, there were angry fans everywhere.  Many things the creator had either put in the demo or said he wanted in the game were not there.  The game also includes a piece of software that EA has decided to start putting in their computer software.
      EA has gone too far with trying to stop internet piracy and is seriously pissing off even the most legit game fans who don't pirate games.  This software works because EA now requires you to be online to register and play their games.  This game and several others from EA have this rootkit program that installs with their games. Every time you install the game, the rootkit contacts EA and tells their server you have installed it.  You get 3 installs when you get the game.  If you want to install it again it's either tough luck, or you have to call up EA's support and beg for 1 more install.  You have to tell them why you have used up your 3 installs, why you need to install it again, and why you deserve another installation.  I don't know about you but even when I have a game I love I still have to uninstall it for space sometimes.  I can't recall how many times I've reinstalled my STORE BOUGHT copies of Starcraft, Diablo, Diablo II, Black and White 1 & 2, and Knights Of The Old Republic.  Starcraft and Diablo are about 10 years old, and I still play them.  Even when I'm 50 years old, I'll still be able to install them.  If I bought SPORE and say 10-20 years down the line EA goes out of busniness or decides not to support the game anymore, will I be able to play it anymore?  Most likely not.