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I know what you are thinking. Star Wars, it has to be good right? Wrong! This game is terrible! It is the perfect example of a movie based game with no effort put into it, knowing that it would sell because of the title. In my opinion this is one of the worst games ever made! It plays a little like older Metroid games, but without being fun. Not only does the game leave you stranded to figure things out on your own, it doesn't give tiny hints as to what to do next. The game even lets you progress without very important items that it doesn't even tell you about, and it wont even say something like "You don't have this or this yet, are you want to continue?". It just lets you die. At least in older Metroid games all you really had to do was find an open path, you would find upgrades and then those upgrades would allow you to progress. Another really annoying thing. You get other characters besides Luke, but because they aren't the main character, they only have 1 life and if they die there is no way to ever play as them again unless you restart. Don't buy it, don't even borrow it from someone. In fact, ask if you can burn it. This game gives Star Wars and gaming a bad name. |
Kirby's games make look kiddy and cartoony, but don't let that for 1 minute make you think you wouldn't like this game. Or any other Kirby game for that matter. This is one of the best platforming adventure games I have ever played. It still stands the test of time too. Even with all the new flashy graphics the new systems have out, this game is still far more fun than some of the new games that have people ranting and raving. The games platforming can make you think and sometimes makes you bonk your forehead because you just realized you could have done something much different. You have a fairly wide selection of enemy powers to try out. Depending on which one you have at the moment can make things like mini-bosses and several platforming areas very different. These powers combined with traveling with 1 out of 3 different friends of Kirby make things even more interesting. Not only do the friends platform different, but they change the way your current enemy power works. While the game play from level to level is linear in which one you must do next, the game lets you redo any level you have already beaten. This allows you to do things like get an enemy power that you lost back, or get some extra lives, or even get some of those vital plot items you missed. |
Let us get one thing straight on this game. I do not hate this game. It is just not anywhere near as good or original as people think it is. Moving on. The under title of this game "Combat Evolved" has nothing to do with this game's plot. Therefore you might think that is has something to do with the game revolutionizing first person shooters. Many people think so, many people who have never played the first person shooters that are on PC that is. Thousands of gamers who only play console games had never played anything like this before. I will tell you, there are tons of FPSs on PC that not only have have better game play, but also have better, controls and are more original. I will recommend however if you want to play this game, the PC version's controls make it so much easier to play. I am a firm believer that except under certain circumstances FPSs are meant for PC and suck on consoles with game pads. One thing fans of this game love, are the vehicles you get to use. I will say one thing, if want to experience driving drunk, play this game. You will get nowhere fast, constantly hit walls, and flip your vehicle several times before you get where you want to go. What would you recommend you say? Anything by the company Valve, many of the Battlefield series games, most of the Call of Duty Series, Giants: Citizen Kabuto, Doom 3, all Unreal and Unreal Tournament games, and the Metroid Prime series. |
First of all, the only reason I gave this game a 9 instead of a 10, was because it didn't break away from the mold as much as I hoped it would. I can't exactly blame Nintendo for sticking with a game formula that has stood the test of time though. The plot alone kept me going, which is my opinion it has one of the best Zelda plots, period. I've heard the Gamecube's controls for the game play like Zelda: The Wind Waker, which makes sense. The controls for the Wii version were rather intuative, with a shake here for an attack and Wii remote aiming, it made the controls different but still the controls you would expect in a Zelda game. My one complaint is my own fault though for playing too long. When you are tired, and have been playing for several hours, shaking the remote to attack repeatedly can be slightly irritating. Though the game is pretty long, it held my interest longer than the game itself lasted. By the time I had beaten the game, I was still hooked on it and wished there was more to do. Then again, I am a Zelda addict and I usually feel the need to have a new one. |
More games coming soon! |